Entries by Ray Bartolo

Current themes discussed at MCESD meeting

In a meeting of the Maltese Council for Economic and Social Development the social partners discussed the impact of  inflation on the Maltese economy. The Parliamentary Secretary responsible for Social Dialogue the Hon. Andy Ellul attended the meeting together with the social partners. The Chairperson of the MCESD, Mr James Pearsall gave an account of […]

The MCESD Chair talks about skills for future competitiveness

During seminar for stakeholders, organised by the Malta Employers’ Association (MEA) and chaired by the speaker of the House of Representatives inside the plenary of the Maltese Parliament, a number of challenges reinforced with recommendations from representations of Government entities were discussed, to combat the shortfall of skills in the local labour market. Present for […]

MCESD Chairperson held a meeting with MEP David Casa

MCESD Chairperson held a virtual meeting with MEP David Casa. This meeting served as an opportunity to further discuss topics that were tackled during the MCESD meeting including: the impact of inflation on disposable income, security of supplies, and the logistical issues of those products being imported and exported facing Maltese business. During this meeting, […]

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue attended for the first time a Civil Society Committee meeting.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Hon. Andy Ellul, attended and participated for the first time a meeting of the Civil Society Committee. The Civil Society Committee within the MCESD is chaired by Ben Rizzo and meets once a month to discuss with the representatives within it, important issues affecting the country and our citizens. […]

MCESD Chairperson meets MEP Alex Agius Saliba

MCESD Chairperson held a meeting with MEP Alex Agius Saliba. This meeting served as an opportunity to discuss some of the recommendations of the fairness report, which is one of the five research reports conducted by the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development. Issues such as Remote Work, Telework, Digital nomads (i.e. people working […]

Chairperson and Executive Secretary of MCESD participated in the Euro conference, tackling National Productivity Reports.

A joint conference between France Stratégie and the French National Productivity Council, the OECD and the European Commission was organised to take stock of productivity and competitiveness in the euro zone. MCESD Chairperson James Pearsell and Executive Secretary Adriana Chircop followed and participated this conference. Along with other items which fell under the agenda, the […]

ESF.04.158 – Tnaqqis ta’ Gassijiet Serra

It-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet tal-gassijiet serra huwa wieħed mill-għanijiet ewlenin ta’ politika għal Malta. Dan id-dokument ta’ riċerka jidentifika diversi stejjer ta’ suċċess internazzjonali u jippreżenta r-riżultati mill-konsultazzjoni mal-partijiet ikkonċernati. Iż-żieda fl-enfasi tal-politika fuq it-tnaqqis tal-gassijiet serra, il-bdil tal-fjuwil u s-sorsi alternattivi tal-elettriku, u l-adozzjoni ta’ sistema solari fotovoltajka, ġew identifikati bħala l-fatturi gradwali ewlenin li jiffavorixxu […]

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul visits MCESD offices and meets with the staff.

During a visit and a cordial meeting held a few days ago between the Chairperson and staff of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development and the Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul, five reports conducted by MCESD were presented and discussed. These reports concern fiscal stability, environmental sustainability, social justice, and productivity […]

MCESD chairperson meets MEP Josianne Cutajar

The MCESD Chairperson held a meeting with MEP Josianne Cutajar. This meeting served as a follow up meeting of the last MCESD meeting, dated 24 May 2022. Present for this introductory meeting were: MCESD Chairperson James Pearsall, MEP Josianne Cutajar and Mr. David Fleri Soler from the private logistical sector. During this introductory meeting,  MCESD’s […]

MCESD chairperson meets MEP Alfred Sant

MCESD Chairperson held a meeting with MEP Alfred Sant. This meeting served as a follow up meeting of last MCESD meeting happened on 24 May 2022. During this introductory meeting MCESD Chairperson James Pearsall and MEP Alfred Sant discussed the impact of inflation on disposable income, cost of production and competitiveness; security of supplies; and […]