Diskuss il-programm Nazzjonali ta’ Riforma 2023 għal Malta mal-Imsieħba Soċjali

F’laqgħa tal-MCESD, il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi u l-Impjieg,…

Il-Fondi Ewropej u l-Intelliġenza Artifiċjali fuq l-aġenda tal-MCESD.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Fondi Ewropej, l-Onor. Chris…
Meeting MCESD 20.1.23

The first Social Dialogue MCESD meeting for 2023 addressed social vision, research and innovation

The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue, the Hon. Andy…

MCESD's Civil Society Committee presents proposals on public bus service to the government.

The CSC within the MCESD presented its proposals for the improvement…

The MCESD is pleased to announce the appointment of its seventh chairperson.

      Architect David Xuereb has been appointed…

The Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) held its last council meeting for the year 2022.

Following the conclusion of the ESF program entitled "Enhancing…

The International Monetary Fund met with the Executive Secretary of MCESD

A delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) met the…

MCESD attends the 2022 Annual meeting of the EESC and the national ESC’s of the EU

MCESD Chairperson James Pearsall and Executive Secretary Adriana…

MCESD discussed health and safety at the workplace

Following the General Workers Union (GWU) request, the social…

The EY Chief Economist for the Eurozone discuss economy with the social partners

The Ernst and Young (EY) Chief Economist for the Eurozone Dr…