MCESD chairperson meets MEP Josianne Cutajar

The MCESD Chairperson held a meeting with MEP Josianne Cutajar.…

MCESD chairperson meets MEP Alfred Sant

MCESD Chairperson held a meeting with MEP Alfred Sant. This meeting…

MCESD chairperson meets MEP Cyrus Engerer

Following the meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social…

Reappointment of Chairperson of the Civil Society Committee

Further to the Call for Nominations published on the 25th of…

Dr. Andy Ellul appointed as a Parliament Secretary

Dr. Andy Ellul has been appointed as a Parliament Secretary in…

MCESD Civil Society Committee - Call for Nominations

  Any Voluntary Organisation enrolled with the Commissioner…

ESF.04.158 — Intejbu l-Parteċipazzjoni tan-Nisa fid-Djalogu Soċjali — Rapport tal-MCESD

L-MCESD ikkummissjonat rapport biex tanalizza l-parteċipazzjoni…

ESF.04.158 — Rapport dwar it-Titjib tal-Kapaċità Teknika tal-Imsieħba Soċjali ppubblikat mill-MCESD

L-MCESD ikkummissjonat rapport biex tanalizza l-istatus tal-kapaċità…