Entries by Jean Claude Gatt

Malta Enterprise

A presentation was delivered by Malta Enterprise during the MCESD Council Meeting on 18th October 2024. The presentation aimed to provide Social Partners with an update on upcoming projects. You can access the presentation here.

Government Launches Malta Vision 2050 in Consultation with MCESD

Following the official opening of the Startup Festival and TechXpo at the MFCC in Ta’ Qali, the MCESD Council convened at the same venue. Present at this important MCESD meeting were the Minister for Economy, Enterprise, and Strategic Projects, Hon. Silvio Schembri; Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue, Hon. Andy Ellul; Principal Permanent Secretary, Mr. Tony […]

Strengthen Malta’s Energy Interconnectivity

A presentation was delivered by Interconnect Malta during an MCESD Council Meeting on 20th September 2024. The presentation aimed to provide Social Partners with an update on strengthening Malta’s energy interconnectivity, while contributing to the transition to a carbon-neutral economy and ensuring a safe and reliable energy supply. You can access the presentation here.   […]

Government’s Energy Vision Discussed With MCESD Social Partners

In a meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD), social partners along with Minister for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour Miriam Dalli, Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul, and Chairman David Xuereb, discussed government’s wide-ranging vision for the energy sector. In presentations by engineers Ryan Fava, […]

MCESD Kicks Off Pre-Budget Consultations: Social Partners Present Proposals for the 2025 Budget.

The latest MCESD Council Meeting, chaired by Deputy Chairman Mark Musù, prioritised the Social Partners’ pre-budget consultation. The MCESD held a meeting to launch the pre-budget process, engaging economist Gordon Cordina to conduct one-on-one meetings with all MCESD council members, including unions, employer organisations, the Civil Society Committee, and the Gozo Regional Committee, and come […]

MCESD Hosts Council Meeting with Mr. Glenn Micallef, Malta’s Nominee for European Commissioner.

Before the meeting, the MCESD observed a minute of silence in memory of Mr. Lorenzo Vella, the former Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Malta.   During the latest MCESD meeting, the Social Partners welcomed Mr. Glenn Micallef, Malta’s nominee for European Commissioner. They spoke favourably about his nomination and extended their […]