Renewable Energy Systems Initiatives
A presentation was delivered by The Regulator for Energy and…
Strengthen Malta’s Energy Interconnectivity
A presentation was delivered by Interconnect Malta during an…
Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2024−2029
A document on the Political Guidelines for the Next European…
Prioritising an Evidence Based Skills Agenda
A presentation was delivered by The National Skills Council during…
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
A presentation was delivered by The Malta Financial Services…
Gozo - Setting the Context
A presentation was delivered by the Gozo Regional Committee during…
Gozo as an Environmental Model for the Whole Nation
A presentation was delivered by the Gozo Regional Committee during…
A vision for Integral Human Development for our Country
A presentation was delivered…
Malta Co-operatives
A presentation was delivered by Malta Co-operatives during an…
Carrying Capacity Study for Tourism in the Maltese Islands
A presentation was delivered by Deloitte Malta during an MCESD…