Social partners represented at MCESD today met to discuss the latest issues related to energy distribution.
All social partners represented at MCESD today met to discuss…

MCESD Council Explores ESG Principles for Advancing towards a Carbon-Neutral Economy
During the last MCESD meeting, the social partners considered…

Upcoming MCESD Council Meeting: National Power and Climate Change Adaptation in Focus
MCESD has called an urgent Council meeting for its Social Partners…

MCESD Council Discusses the EU Semester 2023: Country Report for Malta
The social partners considered and detailed the European Semester…

MCESD Focuses on Addressing the Cost of Living and Inflation
The Maltese Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD)…

The Annual National Productivity Report focused on Research Development and Innovation as enablers of Competitiveness and Productivity
The National Productivity Board successfully hosted its highly…

Gozo Regional Committee Presents Proposals for Gozo's Sustainable Future at MCESD Meeting
During an MCESD meeting dedicated to the Gozo Regional Committee…

Social Partners provide feedback on a White Paper presenting Proposed Amendments to Occupational Health and Safety Act at MCESD Council Meeting
With a shared goal of fostering a safer work environment, social…

MCESD Meets at the Central Bank of Malta to Discuss the Reform of the Judiciary System
The Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD)…

MCESD Council Meeting Focuses on the Security of Food Supply in Malta
During the eighth council meeting of the Malta Council for Economic…