The Malta National Reform Programme presented to the MCESD
The Ministry for Finance presented the National Reform Programme…
MCESD Social Partners: Invited to Discuss Important Topics at the European Commission in Brussels
The Council of the MCESD was invited by the European Commission…
The MCESD Met with Maltese Bishops to Discuss Ways Maltese Society can be Improved.
The Bishops of Malta met with social partners of the MCESD to…
Social Partners Discuss the Tourism Carrying Capacity Report in Malta at MCESD Meeting
During the fourth MCESD meeting this year, discussions centred…
MCESD Council Convenes at the University of Malta to underline the importance of ESG and update Social Partners with the latest Research and Innovation Insights in Malta
The MCESD, strongly committed to Environmental, Social, and Governance…
The MCESD Council Addresses permitting of Quality Foreign Workers, Employment Law, Temping Agencies, and Public-Private Partnerships
During the second MCESD Council for this year, social partners…
MCESD Social Partners Discuss EU Single Market Challenges and Recommendations with Former Italian PM Enrico Letta
In the first meeting of the MCESD for this year, social partners…
Social Partners Discuss Active Ageing at an MCESD Council Meeting
The Malta Chamber and the General Workers’ Union (GWU) presented…
MCESD Social Partners Briefed on Current and Planned Reinforcement of Malta's Energy Distribution System
On the 7th December, the MCESD Council met the Minister for Environment,…
MCESD Social Partners briefed on the EU agenda during discussions with members of the European Commission and the EESC, focusing on Malta's interests.
During an MCESD Council Meeting, a specially invited delegation…