Expression of Interest for the Procurement of consultancy services for the write up of a Post COVID-19 strategy for Gozo under the title: “Strateġija ħolistika u inklussiva, bil-bniedem bħala ċ-ċentru tal-progress sostenibbli f’Għawdex”.


Issued by the Gozo Regional Committee within the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development



Issue date: 3rd May 2021

Submission Deadline: 18 May, 2021 (23:59)




SECTION A: Instructions

Response to this CfQ is to be submitted on this form through e-mail at the following email address: [email protected]


All submissions will be dealt with in strictest confidence.


SECTION B – General Information


Procurement of consultancy services for the development and write-up of a Post COVID-19 strategy for Gozo under the title: “Strateġija ħolistika u inklussiva, bil-bniedem bħala ċ-ċentru tal-progress sostenibbli f’Għawdex”.


Deliverable shall consist of a comprehensive report which outlines a cohesive and holistic strategy for Gozo for the next 5 years that would need to be in line with relevant National and EU Policy frameworks. The report shall be complemented with a final power point presentation.

The final report of the proposed way forward is to be prepared by not later than eight (8) weeks from award of service agreement.


Report Outline

The strategic report shall provide:

  • A background to the socio-economic situation of the island of Gozo.
  • Demand and needs analysis for a strategic direction identifying the sectors and areas which require the most attention.
  • Vision for a post-COVID-19 Strategy for Gozo.
  • Strategic objectives emanating from this vision.
  • Strategic actions emanating from these strategic objectives.
  • Financial planning surrounding this strategy.
  • Monitoring evaluation and review processes to be set-up.
  • Concluding remarks.

In drawing up of the strategic report the consultant  shall be required to make use of the latest official documentation (National/European) material, data and reports as well as official positions of members of the GRC including meetings with the relevant stakeholders that form part of GRC, to draw up the report.

Payments and Interest on Late Payment

The Contractor shall invoice the Client quoting the Contract Reference number on the Invoice. The PPD shall, within thirty (30) days of receiving such written statement, either approve, or following discussion with the Contractor, amend the amount claimed by the Contractor.

The Contracting Authority shall notify the Contractor of any such amendment or approval. In the event that the Client approves any written statement or in the event of agreement between the Client and the Contractor on any adjustment proposed by the Client, the Contractor shall forthwith invoice the Client for payment of the agreed amount and such amount shall be due and payable within sixty (60) days after receipt of such invoice.

Payments are to be effected, within sixty (60) days failing which the provisions of the Late Payments Directive will come into effect.

Interested applicants shall submit a profile of the key expert proposed for the task, demonstrating suitable experience and qualifications which are suitable for the professional execution of this engagement.  





I hereby declare that I do not fall under any of the grounds listed under Part VI of LN352/2016.

The undersigned formally declare that the information stated in this declaration is accurate and correct and that it has been set out in full awareness of the consequences of serious misrepresentation.

The undersigned formally declare to be able, upon request and without delay, to provide the certificates and other forms of documentary evidence referred to, except where the contracting authority or contracting entity has the possibility of obtaining the supporting documentation concerned directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge. On condition that the economic operator has provided the necessary information (web address, issuing authority or body, precise reference of the documentation) allowing the contracting authority or contracting entity to do so. Where required, this must be accompanied by the relevant consent to such access.

The undersigned formally gives consent to the Plant Protection Directorate, in gaining access to documents supporting the information which has been provided in this declaration for the purposes of this tendering procedure.


Name:             _________________


Position:          _________________


Date:               _________________


Signature:       _________________

SECTION D – Financial Bid Form


Details Price including Taxes, other duties and discounts but exclusive of VAT

Amount in EURO (€)

Development and Write up of a Post COVID-19 strategy for Gozo under the title: “Strateġija ħolistika u inklussiva, bil-bniedem bħala ċ-ċentru tal-progress sostenibbli f’Għawdex”.


VAT 18%
Grand Total (including VAT)



Name                                      ______________________________________________


Address                                  ______________________________________________




Contact No.                            ______________________________________________


VAT No.                                  ______________________________________________


Email address                       ______________________________________________