Nindirizzaw l-Isfidi tas-Saħħa Mentali f’Malta.
Preżentazzjoni mill-Kumitat għas-Socjetà Ċivili, waqt laqgħa…

Għawdex f'Kuntest
Preżentazzjoni mill-Kumitat Reġjonali Għawdex waqt laqgħa…

Chairperson and Executive Secretary of MCESD participated in the Euro conference, tackling National Productivity Reports.
A joint conference between France Stratégie and the French National…

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul visits MCESD offices and meets with the staff.
During a visit and a cordial meeting held a few days ago between…

MCESD chairperson meets MEP Cyrus Engerer
Following the meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social…

Dr. Andy Ellul appointed as a Parliament Secretary
Dr. Andy Ellul has been appointed as a Parliament Secretary in…

MCESD chairman interviewed on TVAM's breakfast programme
MCESD Chairperson James Pearsall was today interviewed by TVAM's…