Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development
A presentation was delivered by Professors Simone Borg and Maria…

National Drugs Policy
A presentation by the Ministry for Social Justice and Solidarity,…

Chairperson and Executive Secretary of MCESD participated in the Euro conference, tackling National Productivity Reports.
A joint conference between France Stratégie and the French National…

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue Andy Ellul visits MCESD offices and meets with the staff.
During a visit and a cordial meeting held a few days ago between…

MCESD chairperson meets MEP Cyrus Engerer
Following the meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social…

Dr. Andy Ellul appointed as a Parliament Secretary
Dr. Andy Ellul has been appointed as a Parliament Secretary in…

Business Breakfast launch of GRDA Vision Document
Business Breakfast Launch of GRDA Vision Document
The Gozo…

MCESD chairman interviewed on TVAM's breakfast programme
MCESD Chairperson James Pearsall was today interviewed by TVAM's…